Sunday, January 27, 2008

BYE BYE 2007!

WOW! One more year goes by...we started last year with decent gas prices and a positive outlook on our economy. Sure, gas prices are going back down NOW but did they fluctuate this past year!

I can't tell you how many people have came into the store wanting to see the new Spring...well, I have pictures of what is coming and I have an evergrowing section of already delivered Spring towards the front of the store! I sold out of all my CORKY COATS except some lightweight Seeds by Corky layette boys! I still have boots and some Fall shoe styles left. For Spring, NATURINO has started to ship as well as LIPSTIK shoes.

Jana and I are really trying to set OURSELVES apart from other boutiques in the Midwest. We are slowly going away from the usual boutique brands that EVERY BOUTIQUE online or BRICKS N MORTAR stores carry. We really want to be unique and unusual and have what no one else has. Of course, there are some of my fav brands that have such a huge line that I just have to buy...BABY LULU, CACH CACH, OLIAN MATERNITY.

HEY, if you live in a SE Chicago burb or in NW Indiana, ROYCE PHOTGRAPHY will have a rustic background for next Fall 2008. Royce mentioned that he took a apart a real rustic cabin and used the parts as an amazing background for next year. So, boys can wear plaids and fair isle sweaters vest and/or jackets. Girls can be more comfy in a coordinating outfit or dress. So, if you are savvy shopper, I have some styles left from ONE KID and CHARLIE ROCKET that would be great and at an even better price.

How lucky are we to have such great photgraphers in our area! We have something for everyone...Edda Taylor, Anna Blackman, Royce and, of course....ANN LATINOVICH!

Well, I am glad gas is under $3 a gallon and hope the economy stays on track:)

Happy Winter!

1 comment:

Alan Macomber said...

I'm glad you sold out of your Corky coats. I'm your number on Corky coat fan! Alan at Corky